Collaborate with local businesses! Refer friends & get rewarded.

Collaborate with local businesses for exclusive access to offers for simply sharing the business online & referring friends. Our belief is that everyone has influence. We simply empower you to put it to use.

Here’s how Townee works…

Welcome to Townee

Join Townee.

Ready to connect & collaborate with with your favorite local businesses and take advantage of free or heavily discounted products/experiences? Join the Townee App!

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Follow your favorite local businesses

“Follow” to be the first to know about weekly specials📅, events🎉, flash deals⚡, and (best of all) Townee referral & advocate deals🎁.

Townee Nearby Events and Specials

Gain insights to local businesses’ best happenings

Those same weekly specials, events, flash deals, and (best of all) Townee referral & advocate deals are all easily accessed inside the app.

Townee Local Influencer Deals

Explore local Townee offers.

Scroll through all of our local businesses to see which referral or advocate deals you’re eligible to redeem in your area!

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Verify requirements & redeem your deal. Plus, receive a unique promo code to offer your friends!

Check out the deal’s redemption requirements. After redeeming the Townee deal, you’ll be given a unique promo code to share with more friends. The more friends who claim your promo in store, the more freebies & perks you’ll receive!


Complete deal requirements

Requirements may vary from a social post (post on your Instagram story or a Facebook check-in for example) to an online review.

Your responsibility is to complete those requirements and share your Townee referral deal with as many friends as possible!

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Check your progress & referral count.

Each friend that uses your referral code in store gets you one step closer towards additional perks! Think of it like having a loyalty card that all of your friends are punching for you.

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Earn more freebies & additional perks!

After enough friends make an in store purchase using your promo, you earn yourself more freebies and additional perks!


For Local Customers

Townee’s app for locals makes collaborations between local establishments & local advocates easy & fun.

Follow Local Establishments

Locals “follow” businesses to be the first to know about referral & advocate offers🎁

Explore Offerings

Locals easily explore local businesses’ offers & specials & redeem in store

Redeem Townee Deals & Check Progress

Redeem Townee Offers for free or heavily discounted products & experiences. Get rewarded for referring friends👭


Join the Community for Locals

Begin connecting & advocating for your favorite local businesses. Earn referral perks & discover your influence in your community.